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BSB 650 000
Insurance issued by Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd. PDS and TMD available. T&Cs apply.
Premium Plus Package Customers: To access your Premium Plus Package insurance discount please visit us at your local branch or alternatively call us. This discount is not available online.
The better you understand your policy, the easier it will be if you ever have to claim.
Here is a limited summary of the benefits of a building and contents insurance policy. For full details, of the standard terms, conditions, limits and exclusions that apply please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and any applicable supplementary PDS before making a decision to purchase the insurance. The Home Buildings and Home Contents Key Fact Sheets (KFS) also sets out some information about the cover. Select the cover to suit your needs.
If you need to rebuild your home after total loss or damage, Allianz will help pay the reasonable costs of architects, engineers, surveyors and solicitors up to $5,000.
Allianz offers cover for out of the ordinary but devastating events such as fire#, storm# and burglary.
If your buildings are totally destroyed and need to be rebuilt, in addition to your buildings sum insured, Allianz will pay up to $5,000 (after deduction of any government or council rebates) to help you make the new buildings more environmentally friendly.
If your Building or Contents are damaged by an insured event during the period of insurance to such an extent that you can’t live in your home buildings, Allianz pay the additional costs for temporary accommodation based on your building’s rentable value prior to the damage, up to 10% of the building or contents sum insured (as applicable) and up to $500 for temporary accommodation for your pets in a commercial boarding establishment. This benefit applies up to a maximum of 12 months.
Allianz will cover the cost, up to $1,000, to replace the locks or cylinders of any external door or window following an actual or attempted theft or burglary if the key is stolen.
Allianz will cover you for loss or damage caused by vandalism or a malicious act.
In addition to your buildings and/or contents sum insured, Allianz will pay up to 10% of your building and/or contents sum insured for the removal of debris from the damaged or destroyed part of the buildings.
Allianz will cover your legal liability up to $20 million for payment of compensation relating to death, bodily injury or illness, and/or physical loss of or damage to property caused by an accident (or series of accidents).
When you need to make a claim Allianz are there for you with 24 hour claims lodgement available online, or you can call the claims line to commence the claims process over the phone.
Allianz will cover your contents for loss or damage caused by an insured event both at your new and old address for up to 14 days after you first start to move. No cover is provided for loss or damage whilst contents are in transit (unless you have Accidental damage cover).
Apply to add any of these optional covers for an additional premium and greater cover.
The accidental damage cover option helps insure you in the event of accidental unexpected mishaps that are caused unintentionally – giving you greater coverage for your home building and/or contents.
You can choose optional cover to insure your portable contents such as mobile phones, cameras and engagement rings in the event of theft or an accident at the insured address and when you take them out of your home, even when you are temporarily outside Australia for up to 120 continuous days in any period of insurance. Some portable contents must be specified as Listed portable contents with the full replacement value to be covered away from the home.
The Motor burnout option covers you if an electrical current damages your household electrical motors. This cover is automatically included if you have taken optional Accidental Damage cover.
Cover for a domestic worker (e.g. gardener or cleaner), if they are injured while working for you at the insured address. Only available in ACT, WA and TAS.
Key Information:
We do not provide advice based on any consideration of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. Before making a decision please refer to the relevant Home Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) any applicable supplementary PDS and Home Buildings or Home Contents Key Fact Sheets also available for reference.
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