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What is Open Banking?

Open Banking is part of a government initiative called the Consumer Data Right (CDR). The CDR is law that allows you to have more choice and control of your data and how it is shared. In the banking sector, CDR is known as Open Banking.

Consumer Data Right is an optional service, which means you can choose whether to use it or not. 

There are special rules for accounts with more than one owner, that mean any of the account holders can choose to share data on a joint account, provided none of the account holders have disabled sharing on the account. 

Under CDR, you can securely transfer your banking data to an accredited provider (also referred to as an ‘Accredited Data Recipient’), so you can investigate, compare, and access services more easily. 

You are in full control of your data sharing, at all times. Where eligible you can establish a new Data Sharing Arrangement with an accredited third-party, then use the Newcastle Permanent app or internet banking to manage the active Data Sharing Arrangement or stop sharing  at any time.

 © Commonwealth of Australia

Is it safe?

CDR legislation requires all banks to participate in Open Banking for their customers, but the choice to use it will be in your hands. You will have to authorise the sharing of any data, and your details will only be transferred via approved and protected mechanisms. Customer security and privacy is our priority and we will be taking all the right steps to safeguard your personal information.

Privacy safeguards and data security requirements are built into the CDR, and a business must be accredited by the Australia Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to handle your data.

Some of the benefits of Open Banking

  • npbs icon Easier access to your financial data
  • online banking Increased competition among banks to offer better products and services
  • npbs icon Increased transparency across financial institutions
  • Everyday Banking Easier ways to compare products and services to help you get the best deal

Who can share and receive banking data?

Only the owner of an account can authorise for data to be shared. There are eligibility rules that determine which customers and accounts can be shared via Open Banking. Find out more here.

Eligible joint accounts will be automatically enabled for sharing, should any one of the owners wish to do so. However, any owner of a joint account can disable their joint account/s from being shared by the other owners. Find out more about joint account management here. Customers can only direct an accredited third-party to request banking data. At this point, Newcastle Permanent is not accredited to request banking data from other Australian banks.

FAQs on data sharing

Eligible customers

To share your personal details you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be 18 years or over
  • Have at least one open Newcastle Permanent account
  • Be registered for our app or internet banking.

Secondary users

Secondary users have been given permission by the individual owner to act on the account. You must be linked to the account and have permission to make transactions on the account (e.g. Authorised user (authorised signatory), internet banking (full access) or secondary card holder of a credit card). You must also meet the CDR customer eligibility criteria:

  • Be an individual
  • Be 18 years or over
  • Be registered for our app or internet banking
  • Be linked to at least one open Newcastle Permanent account


A non-individual must:

  1. Be one of the following types:
    (i) Partnership (where all partners are 18 years or over)
    (ii) Company
    (iii) Association or Co-operative
    (iv) Government Body or
    (v) Trust
  2. Have at least one open Newcastle Permanent account
  3. Be registered for our app or internet banking

CDR account eligibility

To share your account data:

  • All owners must be eligible customers
  • Your account has to be open, or closed in the last 2 years.

When you give an accredited provider permission to access your data held with your bank (e.g. Newcastle Permanent), a Data Sharing Arrangement is created between:

  • The bank who holds the data (e.g. Newcastle Permanent),
  • The accredited third-party who will receive the data, and
  • The customer who owns the data and is approving for it to be shared.

If you are an eligible CDR customer you will be able to select eligible accounts for sharing . The details of the Data Sharing Arrangement will be displayed, including; the accounts, requested data and data sharing period.

By selecting “I confirm”, you are agreeing to share your Newcastle Permanent data with the accredited organisation.

Once the new Data Sharing Arrangement is established you will be re-directed back to the accredited organisation, who will now be receiving your data.

Eligible joint accounts can be shared to accredited third-parties by any account owner. All accounts are defaulted to 'enabled for data sharing'. Should one joint account owner wish to disable an account from being shared they can do so via internet banking or the app.

If you are not registered for internet banking, your account cannot be shared as it is not CDR eligible.

If you choose to disable your account, the account will be removed from any active Data Sharing Arrangements and all account owners will be notified.

To re-enable an account for data sharing, all account owners will need to log into internet banking and confirm.

To disable a joint account from data sharing:

  1. Log into internet banking or the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Manage Data Sharing> Account Permissions Dashboard.
  3. Find the joint account you want to disable and click the three dots to the left, then select “Disable Data Sharing”.
  4. Confirm the action and the account will now be disabled from data sharing.

To re-enable a joint account for data sharing:

  1. Log into internet banking or the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Manage Data Sharing> Account Permissions Dashboard.
  3. Find the joint account you want to enable and click the three dots to the left, then select “Enable Data Sharing”.
  4. By confirming the action, all joint account owners will be notified and asked to log into internet banking and accept the change, following the steps above.
  5. Once all account owners have accepted the change, the account will be enabled for sharing.

Note: All account owners have to accept the change within 2 days. If all account owners do not accept the change, or the time expires the account will remain disabled for sharing.

Once you have established a Data Sharing Arrangement with an accredited organisation, you can view and manage the Data Sharing Arrangement in internet banking.

Where joint account data has been shared, all account owners can view the Data Sharing Arrangement. Only the initiator of the Data Sharing Arrangement can cancel it.

To cancel an active Data Sharing Arrangement:

  1. Log into internet banking or the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Manage Data Sharing > Data Sharing Arrangements.
  3. All active Data Sharing Arrangements will be shown. Select the arrangement you want to manage via the arrow on the right hand side.
  4. Once the Data Sharing Arrangement is open, select “stop sharing”.
  5. By confirming the action, data sharing will be stopped and all account owners will be notified.

To remove an account from a Data Sharing Arrangement:

  1. Log into internet banking or the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Manage Data Sharing > Data Sharing Arrangements.
  3. All active Data Sharing Arrangements will be shown. Select the arrangement you want to manage via the arrow on the right hand side.
  4. Once the Data Sharing Arrangement is open, select “remove” next to the relevant account. 
  5. By confirming the action, banking data for the removed account will no longer be shared and all account owners will be notified.

Note: For joint accounts, removing an account will not disable the account from being added to new Data Sharing Arrangements. To disable a joint account for data sharing, refer to joint account management processes.

Note: Nominated representatives can stop data sharing even if the data sharing arrangement has accounts the nominated representative does not have access to. Newcastle Permanent encourages you to check with other nominated representatives before stopping your data sharing arrangement.

Secondary users (authorised users on an account)

  1. Log into internet banking or the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Manage Data Sharing > Secondary Users Dashboard.
  3. Find the account you want to enable via the arrow on the right hand side.
  4. For the authorised user/s you want to enable, change the toggle button from disabled to enabled.
  5. Click back to return to the Secondary Users dashboard. The person enabled is now able to manage data sharing on this account.

Note: You can have multiple secondary users on your account.

  1. Log into internet banking or the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Manage Data Sharing > Secondary Users Dashboard.
  3. Find the account you want to disable via the arrow on the right hand side.
  4. For the secondary user you want to disable, change the toggle button from enabled to disabled.
  5. Click back to return to the Secondary Users Dashboard. The person disabled is now no longer able to manage data sharing on the account and the account will be removed from any data sharing arrangements they have authorised.

An authorised user on your account cannot automatically share data on your account via Open Banking. As the account owner, you can control whether you enable them to share data or not. They will default to not being able to share data. To check who is enabled to share data on your account, view the Manage Data Sharing dashboard in internet banking.

  • The account will be removed from any data sharing arrangements created by the secondary user.
  • The secondary user will no longer be able to create data sharing arrangements with the account included, and they will not be able to view any data on the account through data sharing arrangements.
  • This only impacts their Open Banking access, it doesn’t impact the authorised users normal access to the account (e.g. to access internet banking or make transactions).

You will only be able to share data if:

  1. All eligibility criteria has been met (refer 'Customer and account eligibility')
  2. The account owner has enabled you as a Secondary User (refer to 'How do I enable a secondary user to share data on my account')

A secondary user can create and manage data sharing arrangements and include the account in these data sharing arrangements they make with an accredited provider (or 'Accredited Data Recipient').

The type of data they can choose to share with an accredited provider includes account data, transaction details and product specific data. They will not be able to share the customer data of the account owner/s.

A secondary user cannot:

  • Share customer specific information of the account owner/s e.g. contact details
  • Add or remove additional secondary users

An account owner can:

  • View the data sharing arrangements created by the secondary user that include their account via their internet banking dashboard
  • Remove their account from active data sharing arrangements created by the secondary user via internet banking or by contacting us on 13 19 87
  • Disable a secondary user

The account owner/s will be notified of any data sharing actions taken by the secondary user on their account.

  1. Ensure the person is already linked to the account (and can perform transactions on the account) in one of these ways:
    a. Power of Attorney
    b. Authorised user (authorised signatory)
    c. Internet banking (full access)
    d. Secondary card holder of a credit card
  2. If the person is not appearing under your account within the Secondary User Data Sharing Dashboard, this may mean they do not meet the above criteria or are otherwise ineligible. Please contact us on 13 19 87 or visit a branch to assist further.

If you are enabled but the account is not showing as available within a new consent, it is likely that one of the eligibility criteria isn't being met:

  1. Account owner needs to be eligible for Open Banking.
  2. Account needs to be CDR eligible.
  3. If it is a joint account it needs to be enabled for sharing by all account owners.
  4. The secondary user needs to meet eligibility criteria.

Business users

To share your business data, one or more nominated representatives must be elected for the business. The nominated representative can then share data, make changes, and withdraw data sharing arrangements on behalf of the business. Contact us on 13 19 87 or visit a branch to nominate a representative for your business.

The 'Open Banking business customer - nominated representative authority' form will need to be completed. Please contact us on 13 19 87 or visit a branch to assist further.

A nominated representative can:

  • Set up and manage Open Banking data sharing arrangements for the organisation on any of the eligible open and closed accounts held by the business.
  • View active and archived data sharing arrangements made by any other nominated representatives on the business internet banking 'Manage Data Sharing' dashboard.
  • They will be able to remove accounts from and/or revoke data sharing arrangements.
  • It is important to note that a nominated representative will be able to share data (including transactions, balances and payees) for all eligible accounts owned by the business. This includes accounts closed within the last two years and accounts the nominated representative may not have access to currently within their internet banking profile.

If a nominated representative is removed:

  • They will no longer be able to set up or manage data sharing arrangements or access the Manage Data Sharing dashboard.
  • Any active data sharing arrangements created by the nominated representative will remain active until they expire, or the organisation (i.e. account owner/s) asks us to stop them.

Organisations may authorise one or more nominated representatives to share data on all accounts eligible for data sharing that are owned by the organisation. Please contact us on 13 19 87 or visit a branch to assist further.

If you are nominated but still can't share, one of the eligibility criteria isn't being met:

  1. Non-individual account owner needs to be CDR eligible
  2. Account needs to be CDR eligible

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