Hang up on unexpected calls claiming to be from our fraud team and contact us directly instead. More ways to keep your data safe. 

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Things can change quickly, save yourself the trip and check your local branch info or bank from the safety and comfort of your home via the app, internet banking or call our local call centre team

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Security advice

Your bank will never contact you unexpectedly and request the following:

• Share your password, PIN, customer number, or one-time password
• Transfer money, withdraw, or deposit cash to a third party
• Click a link to grant access to your computer
• Send a courier or staff to pick up money, cards, or details from you.

Never respond if you're contacted unexpectedly and asked for any of the above. Rather call your bank directly or visit your local branch to confirm if it's a legitimate request.

Banking on the go?

There's an app for that.

  • Securely access your money any time
  • Check out faster in-store or online using mobile payments
  • Personalise, manage and open an account in seconds.

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