We’ve made changes to our interest rates following the RBA’s announcement. Read more here
Hang up on unexpected calls claiming to be from our fraud team and contact us directly instead. More ways to keep your data safe.
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BSB 650 000
Premium Plus Package Customers: To access your Premium Plus Package insurance discount please visit us at your local branch or alternatively call us. This discount is not available online.
Insure your house, the things inside it, your portable contents or your investment property. With products and options to tailor your cover, you can select the right product for you. Find out more
Insure your house, the things inside it, your portable contents or your investment property. With products and options to tailor your cover, you can select the right product for you.
It’s up to you to decide the sums insured, and the type and level of cover that you want to take out. People generally want enough insurance to cover the property’s estimated replacement value. If you don’t have enough cover, you could end up having to cover some of the costs yourself.
Remember, Allianz will only pay up to the amount of your loss or the sum insured, whichever is the lesser - so you should also be careful not to over insure. That's why we've provided these calculators.
They work as guides to help you estimate the replacement value of your home building and contents.
For home, contents, landlords, caravan, trailer or car insurance call 1300 493 824 or claim online»
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