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Helping nurture and challenge young minds

Our annual maths competition gives Year 5 and Year 6 students from across regional NSW the opportunity to test their numeracy and problem-solving skills.

One of Australia’s longest running annual mathematics competitions, the Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Competition is more than 40 years old. It now attracts almost 20,000 students from across the state.

The top performing students from each region are invited to attend a special awards presentation and further compete in the annual Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Team Challenge towards the end of the school year.

Registrations for the Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Competition 2025 will open soon. Should you wish to know more information please email maths@newcastlepermanent.com.au

school boys cheering

Are you a mathlete?

  • calculator icons Show off your maths skills Students are given 45 minutes to complete 35 questions without help from calculators.
  • Careers Win up to $250 All participating students receive a certificate, with the top 3 students claiming cash prizes.
  • pen icon Practise problem-solving Use maths in everyday life scenarios, from measuring dinner ingredients to keeping a household budget.
  • education icon Represent your school Participate in Australia's largest and longest running primary school mathematics competition.

Challenging over half a million
young minds since 1981.

Important Privacy Information
Newcastle Permanent, part of Newcastle Greater Mutual Group Ltd (NGM Group) collects personal information while conducting the Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Competition.
NGM Group may also film and photograph our community competitions for promotional and marketing purposes.  Individual media consent agreements will be sought for students achieving high results. You can read more about how NGM Group handles personal information in our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy, including how to make a complaint about a privacy issue.
If you do not want you or your child to appear in images or footage captured at a Newcastle Permanent competition or event, please notify your school representative, or a member of our team via email at marketing@newcastlepermanent.com.au or by calling 13 19 87, or by visiting a branch.