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Giving back to our community

We proudly partner with many organisations to support local community programs.


Employee volunteering

Newcastle Permanent provides our employees the opportunity to invest two paid leave days each year, which is more than 13,500 hours every year, to their local community. Our employees can use these days to volunteer for a local charity or community group of their choice.

employee volunteering

 Wires donation

Employee donation scheme

Our employee donation program, part of our wider Community Assist Program, is a great example of the generosity and community spirit that is alive and well within Newcastle Permanent.

Every Newcastle Permanent employee has the opportunity to donate funds directly from their salary to be collectively donated to charity. Each year we raise approximately $65,000 in donations, which is distributed to four charities or community groups selected by our people. Since the program was established in 1997, we have donated over $900,000 to more than 60 charities and community groups.

Some of our recent recipients:

Australia's biggest morning tea


Our employees passionately support local charities and fundraising initiatives and campaigns. Our employees and customers show an ongoing generosity in supporting these fundraising efforts for initiatives such as Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea, Children’s Media Research Institute's Jeans for Genes Day, The Salvation Army’s Christmas Appeal.

Looking for sponsorship?

We are dedicated and proud supporters of our local communities and each year invest more than $1.5 million into helping our communities thrive.

Latest community news