Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Newcastle Permanent is supporting customers in NSW through a financial relief package now available to customers who have been impacted by the current flood emergency.
Newcastle Permanent’s Chief Executive Officer, Bernadette Inglis, said the 119-year-old organisation has moved quickly to support affected customers.
“Newcastle Permanent’s purpose is to be here for our customers and here for good, right across our footprint. We hope these financial support measures will provide some relief to our customers across NSW who have been affected by this natural disaster.
“Our Customer Assist program offers financial relief measures for our customers affected by the floods. I encourage any impacted customers to contact our Customer Assist team who’ll discuss your individual situation with you and offer personalised support and assistance,” Ms Inglis said.
“Our thoughts are with our local communities who are impacted, and we thank our local emergency services who are providing ongoing on the ground assistance.”
This relief package is available immediately to eligible customers affected by the floods, and will remain in place until further notice.
“The relief measures can include access to in-advance loan repayments, funds in Term Deposits, restructuring loan repayments, as well as other options to help customers to restore their homes or replace damaged items. Any customers who need assistance should contact our Customer Contact Centre on 13 19 87 to discuss their options so we can assist them to identify which options would help in their individual situation,” Ms Inglis said.
Customers with insurance are also encouraged to contact the claims team at Allianz on 1300 493 824, make a claim online via allianz.com.au/claims or alternatively their insurer directly.
Newcastle Permanent is also monitoring localised flooding and will continue to assess the operation of our branches in affected areas, based on the availability and safety of our people. You can stay up to date with any flood-related branch closures here.