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Taking traditional banking online


4 ways you can help a loved one embrace technology.

For many of us, using digital payments or a banking app might seem like second nature, but this might be a daunting task for people who are unfamiliar with using the internet.

And while 80% of Aussies prefer to manage their finances online, some people might need extra help getting to grips with digital banking technologies. 

Starting the conversation

It’s important to talk about the benefits that quick and easy banking technology has to offer.

It’s secure: Safety and security is usually the number one concern of using digital banking or physical cards. It’s important to mention these services are secured by encrypted technology that require PINs or passcodes, making it safer option than carry around wads of cash.

It’s easy: Waiting for a branch to open, arranging transport and waiting in line can take time. Being able to bank online removes some of those obstacles or at least provides a second option if going in branch isn’t possible.

It’s convenient: The simplicity of digital banking means you can securely reach your accounts on any device, and even pay for things with your phone (known as a digital wallet). It’s 24/7 access to your money and the ability to transfer money or pay bills from your couch!

It saves you money: Banking online can reduce the fees you pay, and it’s easy to upgrade to better accounts and products, especially if your current account doesn’t meet your needs.

Once you’ve explained the benefits, move onto our step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Show them how to do it

Hopefully, learning about why online banking is so useful will motivate your loved one to take a test drive – and if they haven’t got a device or the internet, help them get set up first.

As you get started, take it slow and don’t try to show them everything at once. Perhaps cover off on one or two things that might be most relevant. Like logging into their banking app and looking at their transactions.

Step 2: Take them to the bank

If the person you’re helping has been going to a local branch for many years, they might like to have a chat with branch staff in person about making the switch to digital banking.

Go along with them as support and ask the staff to walk your loved one through the online process, help them get set up and answer any questions they may have.

Step 3: Practice what they’ve learned

Practice makes perfect – so stick around and regularly offer help to your loved one until they feel proficient and confident enough to handle digital banking themselves.

You might find splitting the lessons up and practicing regularly is key – so once they’ve mastered logging in and checking transactions, you could show them how to transfer funds between accounts. And then, how to pay bills or send money to someone.

Step 4: Help them stay safe online

When it comes to online banking, knowing their money is safe and the technology is secure is a concern for most Australians.

So as part of your sessions, you’ll want to show your loved ones how to set strong passwords and avoid scams. Remind them that a bank will never ask for PIN numbers or passwords.

Don’t forget to cover the safe ways they can communicate with their bank in a digital world.

Want more help?

Have a look online for reliable guides or even courses in your area that could help your loved one practice and build confidence.

Check in with your local branch as well and see if they can provide any extra resources to help support a switch to digital banking.

This article is intended to provide general information of an educational nature only. This information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on this information, you should consider its appropriateness having regard to these matters and the product terms and conditions. Terms, conditions, fees, charges and credit criteria apply. Information in this article is current as at the date of publication. We do not recommend any third party products or services and we are not liable in relation to them. Any links to third party websites are for your information only and we do not endorse their content.

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