Being a small business owner can be a rewarding experience, as you work to realise your dreams and aspirations. But it can also be intensely challenging, so it’s essential to also take time for yourself, to de-stress.
There are simple things you can do, like spending time with family and friends, exercising, eating regular healthy meals, listening to your favourite music or simply reflecting on what you have already achieved.
Joining a small business networking group is another good way to build contacts and connect with others going through the same stresses that you are. And it’s a great forum for finding out how other businesses are adapting and creating new pathways.
Your staff are likely to be feeling the impact as well and having the support they need will affect how they interact with your customers and each other. Check in and make sure they are OK. A quick chat can sometimes be the support they need. Be prepared for questions and if you don’t have the answers, let them know you are taking steps to find out.
Most people find change confronting but if you involve them in your decisions and are open about why you are making those changes, it helps them to buy in. They may even have some great ideas you could implement. After all, they likely know the business almost as well as you.
If you or one of your staff is finding things difficult to deal with, there are a lot of resources available. Beyond Blue have a program for small business owners called NewAccess. It’s a free and confidential service that extends to your staff.
If things are financially stressful, you can talk to your financial institution about hardship and what support is available to you. The National Debt Helpline and Financial Counselling Australia also offer free counselling and support.
The simple message is to look after you, number one, and the rest will fall into place. There is plenty of support out there, you just need to ask.