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Self-care during COVID-19 and beyond


Here are 9 easy self-care tips to help support your health and wellbeing during COVID-19 and beyond.

As we begin to move toward a new normal, it’s more important than ever to spend a little more time supporting your health and wellbeing with simple acts of self-care.

Here are nine tips to help you maintain positive mental wellbeing during COVID-19 and beyond.

1. Stay connected with friends and family

For many, social distancing rules and other government-enforced restrictions have made it more difficult than ever to stay connected with friends and family. A lack of socialisation can leave you feeling isolated, lonely and down. The good news is you don’t have to wait for things to return to normal to reconnect.

Technology is a powerful thing. Now’s the time to use it. Schedule regular catchups with your nearest and dearest, whether they live around the corner or across the country. Chances are, they’ll be happy you reached out for a chat.

2. Get enough sleep

There’s no denying the importance of sleep, but good sleep requires a strict routine, and that can be tricky to maintain during times of uncertainty.

If you’re working from home, you might be tempted to stay up later. After all, you don’t need to catch that 7:10 am train for the foreseeable future. Try sticking to your normal bedtime instead. That way, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to take on the day.

3. Do something you love

Self-care isn’t all about yoga classes and smoothie bowls – it’s about doing what makes you happy. That might be knitting or bike riding, gardening or playing the drums.

If you struggle to find time for your hobbies, try pencilling a self-care session into your diary, just as you would a business meeting or doctor’s appointment.

4. Eat well

Eating well doesn’t mean restricting yourself or adopting unhealthy, unsustainable eating habits. Instead, support your mental wellbeing during COVID-19 by introducing more of the good stuff: fruit, veggies, whole grains, and other unprocessed foods.

5. Stick to a light exercise routine

We’ve all been spending more time indoors, but that doesn’t mean our fitness goals should be pushed to the wayside. Now is a fantastic time to develop a light at-home exercise routine that supports your mental health.

6. Take time away from electronic devices

How many hours a day do you spend staring at a screen? It’s probably much more than you realise.

Try to take some time away from electronic devices where possible. This can be a real challenge if you work on the computer. A 20-minute walk at lunchtime can help break up your day. You might also like to read, play board games, take a bath, or try your hand at some arts and crafts instead of parking yourself in front of the TV at the end of a long day.

7. Maintain a good work/life balance

Even at the best of times, it’s difficult to maintain that perfect work/life balance. Now that you’re working from home, it’s even trickier. Try setting work hours and avoid checking your email outside of those hours. Take weekends off. Plan COVID-19-safe activities with friends and family and spend time on yourself.

8. Enjoy the outdoors

With overseas travel out of the picture for the time being, why not explore your own backyard? Venture to nearby national parks. Explore local waterways. Pack a picnic and watch the world go by.

9. Ask for help

You’re not alone. It’s perfectly okay to ask for COVID-19 support from friends, family and trusted medical practitioners. There are a number of organisations, including Everymind, who can help provide financial stress and mental wellbeing support. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

This article is intended to provide general information of an educational nature only. Information in this article is current as at the date of publication.

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