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How to still have your dream wedding


If you’ve had to change your plans or push the date back for your big day, don’t lose sight of what really matters.

The pandemic has transformed many aspects of our day-to-day, including life’s major milestones.

If your wedding day is nearing and your plans have been turned upside down, don’t give up on making it an occasion to remember.

As cliché as it sounds, sometimes things happen for a reason. You can still celebrate your wedding in a very special way – although it may look a little different than you imagined.

Reflect on what really matters

What does your wedding mean to you? Perhaps it’s all about your partner, the love you share, and the lifelong union you are committing to. Or maybe it’s about bringing your family together to celebrate the next chapter of your life.

Instead of mulling over what could have been, take this as your opportunity to curate a wedding day that is free from fanfare and expectations. You can design an intimate event that truly aligns with your values.

Keep loved ones involved

Friends and family scattered across the country – or globe – may no longer be able to attend your wedding. This can be heart-breaking. However, it doesn’t mean loved ones have to sit out entirely.

Thanks to technology, you can keep your nearest and dearest involved every step of the journey – from selecting the dress to saying your I do's. Streaming your ceremony is one option, allowing friends and family anywhere in the world to tune-in live.

If Zooming your wedding doesn’t appeal to you, why not allocate some of your unused budget to flying out parents, grandparents, or childhood friends in one or two years from now. A delayed celebration can be all the sweeter.

Finally, come up with a sentimental keepsake you can mail to faraway relatives. Possibilities include a pebble from the beach you exchanged vows on, a place card with their name, or a photograph of you and your partner on the day.

Consider the financial benefits

The average cost of a wedding in Australia is $36,000, with eight out of ten couples dipping into their savings to pay for their big day. Smaller weddings inevitably cost less, so if you’ve been forced to scale back, it’s worth considering other ways to use saved funds.

You might like to put away extra cash for a house deposit, or you could save for an epic honeymoon.

If you had already booked and paid a deposit on a venue, caterers, and entertainment, it might make financial sense to change the date. In a year or two, you may be able to host the wedding you planned.

If you had your heart set on a particular date, you could always get legally married in a simple ceremony first and host your all-out celebration when the world returns to some sense of normalcy.

Love is all you need

The world may never be the same, but the power of love hasn't changed. You and your partner can still have the wedding of your dreams – complete with friends and family and even a little extra cash.

With rules and restrictions changing all the time, keep up to date with the latest requirements via your relevant state government. 

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