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Tuggerah's Sensory Room provides a space that’s safe and engaging

A Sensory Room is an environment designed to stimulate the senses through light, sound, touch and smell

Friday, 19 May, 2017.

Amaroo Centre at Tuggerah launched a new Sensory Room for clients with disabilities thanks to our $64,500 grant. The Sensory Room provides a space that’s safe, stimulating and engaging for clients with intellectual, sensory and physical disabilities who attend the Tuggerah day programs centre.

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation Chairman, Phil Neat, said the project helped improve the lives of people from the Central Coast living with disabilities.

“Everybody needs stimulation and enjoyment, including people with disabilities. I’m proud that the Foundation could help bring this project to fruition and in turn provide what will be a very important support service for the 79 clients of Life Without Barriers’ Day Programs at Amaroo, and all the other clients who will eventually get to benefit from this fantastic facility.”

The Sensory Room provides a controlled way to help support client’s skills and abilities by providing an environment that helps them interact with specific objects and people.

Life without barriers sensory launch image
Life Without Barriers Sensory Room

A Sensory Room is an environment designed to stimulate the senses through light, sound, touch and smell. Essentially, it aims to create a feeling of safety, and to provide novel sensations, with stimulation under the user's control. Limitations of and other problems create life obstacles. Multi-Sensory Environments provide opportunities for bridging movement, vision, hearing, cognitive ability, constrained space, behavioural difficulties, perception issues and pain and assist develop with cognitive and fine motor skills, language and social interaction.

The Sensory Room has been named MANINGRIDA which appropriately means “The Place Where Dreams Change Shape”.

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