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Breaking the cycle of poverty

Over the past 8 years, Derryck Klarkowski has re-homed 645,000 donated items to 24,000 children living in poverty through his charity, We Care Connect.

Established in Wyong in 2016, We Care Connect is a volunteer-led organisation that distributes quality items for children and essential goods to families in need across the Central Coast and Hunter regions.

Through the generosity of its volunteers and community donations, We Care Connect supplies everything from clothes and bedroom items to school supplies and birthday presents to thousands of children and families each year who may be experiencing financial disadvantage, family violence, chronic medical conditions, or are at risk of homelessness.

We Care Connect team member, Helen Barker, said that Derryck is the backbone of the organisation and inspires countless others to give.


“He shares his vision and wisdom with a grace and generosity that, without a doubt, is making a tangible impact to alleviate the unthinkable struggles for children living in poverty.”

“He shares his vision and wisdom with a grace and generosity that, without a doubt, is making a tangible impact to alleviate the unthinkable struggles for children living in poverty.”

Recognised for setting his own priorities aside to better the community, Derryck was awarded the Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation 2024 Chairman’s Medal.

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation’s Chair, Catherine Robson, acknowledged the outstanding impact Derryck has made to children and families across the region.

“Derryck is known at We Care Connect as a volunteer CEO who leads from the ground up, tackling any job that needs doing including packing donations, repairing furniture and maintaining the warehouse, regularly dedicating five to seven days a week to the cause,” Catherine said.

“Through the hard work of Derryck and his team, We Care Connect has now expanded to the Hunter and sees 120 volunteers across two sites collaborate with 300 case workers from 100 social support agencies.

“The number of children who are better off thanks to the support of We Care Connect is amazing, but there is a phenomenal impact that you can’t quantify – restoring safety, dignity and self-worth to these kids and their families.

“Derryk remains at the heart of everything achieved by We Care Connect, and it has been our privilege at the Foundation to be along for part of this ride.”

For Derryck, co-founding We Care Connect was a retirement project that embraced his passion for volunteering and supporting people in need.

“It’s very humbling to receive this acknowledgement,” Derryck said.

“Whilst I am the volunteer with the official CEO title, this award really is a reflection of the incredible contribution that all of the We Care volunteers past and present have given.”

Neryl Slater, Derryck Klarkowski and Catherine Robson.

About We Care Connect

We Care Connect’s volunteer led model delivers a practical, in-demand service that benefits families in poverty through the provision of high quality essential childhood equipment and supplies, linked to a network of agencies and case workers.

We Care Connect have established a Hunter hub to mirror the success of its Central Coast operations.

With a $70,000 grant from the Charitable Foundation, We Care Connect has set up a sustainable operation to support Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the lower Hunter.

The Chairman's Medal

First presented in honour of former Foundation Chairman, Michael Slater, who spent more than 50 years volunteering his time and talents to local organisations, the Medal is recognition for an outstanding volunteer who sets aside their own priorities to better the community.

The Medal is presented annually to a volunteer from a charity that has previously received funding from the Foundation as well as a $5,000 cash grant to the volunteer’s charitable organisation to be used for volunteer development.