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Central Coast Theatre Company for creatives, who happen to have a disability shine with new theatre fit out.

Friday, 21 December, 2018

Options Theatre Company is a living, breathing, theatrical training facility with a unique ensemble of creatives; actors, technicians, musicians, directors, dancers and artists with disability. Options Theatre Company welcomes actors, creatives and filmmakers into a world full of opportunities to learn, create and perform under the guidance of qualified and experienced arts industry professionals.

A recent grant of $50,000 from the Charitable Foundation has enabled the new Options theatre space and rehearsal studio to be set up with retractable seating for performances and a mirrored rehearsal studio. This is the second grant Options Theatre Company has received from the Charitable Foundation, in 2012 a $33,000 grant enabled the purchase of a professional lighting rig for the former theatre (which has been installed in the new Tuggerah theatre space).

Stuart Smith from Options Theatre Company
Stuart Smith, Artistic Director

Stuart Smith, Artistic Director at Options Theatre Company said, “It’s about people’s abilities, what they can do. The theatre company is about finding a way to leverage the abilities they do have, to tell their story.”

Hear the actors stories.

Skye: Oh my favorite roles in the show's probably Sandy in Grease.

Nathan: My favorite role is the werewolf from Western werewolf from London.

Ben: And my favorite role would have to be Macbeth.

Stuart Smith: My name is Stuart Smith I am the artistic director of Options Theatre Company.

Options theatre company is a company for actors, creatives, dancers, filmmakers anybody like that that happens to be a person with a disability.

I don't really like to use the term disability despite the fact that we are a disability theatre company. There's this term going around now it's about talking about people's abilities and what they can do and so the theatre company is about searching for what individual challenges everybody has what communication challenges that they have and then finding a way that they can use all of the abilities they do have to tell their story, whatever that story might be.

So Newcastle permanent gave us $50,000 so we were able to buy retractable seating we're able to fit out our studio. Without their help we would not be able to make an idea, and ambitious idea like this possible.

Ben: What love about Options Theatre Company is that it's helped my disability it's helped me to become more confident and to, to not be so shy and to really come out of my shell and to yeah meet new people and lots of groups of friends that we all look after each other, and we all help each other, we never judge each other. And I've got a large of circle of friends now.

Skye: Always wanna be like an actress or a singer or dancer or, or whoever I become. Yeah it makes me feel comfortable.

Olivia: I want to be a successful actress and I want to be the first regular cast member slash character on neighbours with a disability.

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