PayID and Osko® - your new best friend

What’s Osko® by BPAY®?

Osko allows you to make hassle-free online payments that’s almost immediate. 

Transfer money to businesses or individuals within seconds, even if their banking with another financial institution. 

What’s PayID?

PayID is a memorable piece of information like your mobile number or email that can be linked to your bank account. Once set up, you can provide your PayID details to receive payments instead of handing out your BSB or account number. You can also make payments to other people using PayID if they have it set up for their own account. It’s part of the New Payments Platform, letting you send and receive payments within seconds. 

Why should I use PayID?

PayID enables you to make secure transfers quickly and easily. It only takes a few minutes to set up and is much easier to remember than your account details. You can also set up multiple PayIDs if you have more than one account. 

Both services are available 24/7 via the app or internet banking.

PayID is...

  • fast cash icon Fast Transfer money in real-time 24/7.
  • thumbs up icon Simple No more sharing your BSB or account number.
  • security icon Secure Harder for scammers to interfere with payment details.
  • magnifying glass icon Accurate Verify that you’re paying the right person.

What makes PayID secure?

Using PayID comes with several security perks. Along with being able to verify the name of the recipient, it also reduces the chances of sending money to the wrong account. We’ll send a verification code each time a new PayID is set up and run security checks the first time a transfer is made to a new payee.

How do I set up PayID?

Start by downloading our app or register for internet banking to get set up.

Want to know more?


Unlock your banking features

Download our award-winning app and discover all that your account has to offer.

woman with phone and coins

Download your Everyday Banking Account Guide for more details.

  • Number 1
    Instant account access
    Add your Visa card to Digital Wallet straight after opening a new account via the app and tap away with mobile payments.
  • Number 2
    Speedy and secure payments
    Register your email or mobile number with PayID® to transfer money securely in near real time.
  • Number 3
    Switch your salary
    Streamline your banking and get paid directly into your account by submitting a form with your employer.
  • Number 4
    Pay your way
    Set up regular payments for your bills and loan repayments to keep on top of your budget.

Banking on the go?

There's an app for that.

  • Securely access your money any time
  • Check out faster in-store or online using mobile payments
  • Personalise, manage and open an account in seconds.

PayID is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited.
Osko and BPAY are registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.
Terms and Conditions apply. Osko services are issued by over 50 BPAY Scheme members. The BPAY Scheme is managed by BPAY Pty Ltd (ABN 69 079 137 518). This information is general advice only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness, having regard to your personal circumstances.

Terms and conditions apply for internet banking and the banking app.

Restrictions apply to some services, please see the applicable product schedule for details. 

©Newcastle Permanent, part of Newcastle Greater Mutual Group Ltd
ACN 087 651 992 Australian Financial Services Licence/Australian credit licence 238273
General Advice Warning: Any general advice on this website (including via webchat) has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on the advice, you should consider its appropriateness (having regard to your personal circumstances). Before deciding to acquire a financial product from us, you should also consider the relevant Terms and Conditions or Product Disclosure Statement.